Digital Care Package
Monday, March 30, 2020
Across the globe, we’re adjusting to a new reality. Socially distancing ourselves from loved ones and adapting to new routines, even if temporary, can be incredibly challenging.
While our hotels remain closed to protect guests, staff and those most vulnerable in our community, we wanted to take this opportunity to send you a digital care package.
Below you’ll find a mixture of things we’ve curated, created, or just found helpful. We hope that, in some small way, it may help improve your mental wellbeing and show you how to stay better connected with friends and family.
Stay relaxed.
Disable your notifications, grab your headphones and enjoy 2 hours of relaxing music.
The mix-tape features classics from Massive Attack, Four Tet, Portishead and other new favourites.
Click here to listen on Spotify.
Stay stress-free.
In partnership with Yoga guru Vyda Bielkus, we designed a quick and simple yoga routine you can do in the comfort of your own bed.
Perfect for beginners and a great way to start the day.
Click here to get started.
Stay well-read.
Why not use this time to catch up on the literary classics that passed you by? No need for delivery, simply download and read these noteworthy novels for free.
Stay connected.
There’s no better time to host a virtual pub quiz, play online Pictionary with family or enjoy a long-distance Netflix binge with friends.
Stay smarter.
Keep your mind sharp and possibly learn a new skill at the same time.
- Zwei Bier bitte. Learn German and lots of other handy languages for free with Duolingo.
- Self-improvement doesn't have to be a huge leap. If you just want to make some good habits then check out
- Bolster your resume and take an online course taught by real-world professionals from LinkedIn Learning.
- Learn anything from how to win an argument to how to be more mindful in bite-size chunks with Blinkist.
- If it's a clear night use the SkyView app to discover the names of stars and constellations in real-time using AR. iOS/Android
- Clock out for a couple of minutes for some alone time with Headspace.
Stay smarter.
Erase all the guilt that comes from being bad at email on Email Debt Forgiveness Day.
Tomorrow (Tuesday March 31) you can respond to that one email you’ve, until now, been too anxious to send.
It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. Just include a link to this explainer so that your recipient knows what’s going on.
We hope you find this digital care package helpful.
Lastly, we’d like to say a big thank you to all front-line staff and volunteers across the country for their tireless efforts keeping us all safe.
We can, and will, beat this together.
Sleep well. Stay at home.
Bloc Hotels.